If you’ve paid any attention at all to the healthcare or consumer space over the past few months, then it’s safe to assume that you’ve been made aware of Ozempic and other GLP-1 medications by now. The diabetes drug has seen a dramatic uptick in popularity over the past few months due to the weight loss and impulse suppression effects that it has on its users. As the drug has skyrocketed in popularity, the investment community has taken notice, and rightfully so given the implications that a “miracle” weight loss drug could have on the market and society at large. Now, if you’re familiar with us, then you known that when the investment community takes interest in something like this, then we’re going to run a survey on it, and GLP-1s are no different. We recently launched two consumer surveys covering GLP-1 medications, including a 10,100N group custom deep-dive containing 662 active users. Since the group custom survey was proprietary, we are limited in how much of it we can share, but we wanted to flag a handful of charts from the 140+ pages of insights to socialize what we have with the investment community at large.
Awareness of these drugs are highest amongst those with conditions such as diabetes, sleep apnea, and obesity. Respondents who stated that they have an interest in taking GLP-1 medications are more likely to be in the process of trying to lose weight than the average consumer. Among those who are not interested, top reasons include not being overweight/diabetic, being concerned with the side effects, and general skepticism about drugs.

Are GLP1s Actually Working?
Consumers who reported that they are currently taking GLP-1s stated that they have lost weight since starting the drug, and a plurality of them mentioned being very satisfied with their experience thus far. Many have reported reductions in their calorie consumption since they started on the meds.

Where’s The Downside?
Half of respondents taking GLP-1s have reported experiencing side effects, most commonly nausea and stomach pain.

Show me an example of how GLP1s are impacting the health care space..
60% of GLP-1 users who have sleep apnea report improvements in their condition since starting GLP-1s, but the majority (95.6%) plan to continue their CPAP device usage going forward.

What about Consumer retail, give me an example of an impact there:
On the retail front, snack foods seem to have taken the biggest hit in terms of reductions of spending & consumption frequency because of GLP-1 usage. We found that ~37% of consumers who are currently on GLP-1’s have either slightly or significantly increased their consumption of snack foods in the past 12 months, while ~37% either slightly or significantly reduced their consumption habits.

This post is merely scratching the surface of the data that we have collected on GLP-1 medications. If you’d like to gain access to our GLP-1 reports, or want to hear more about our platform as a whole, please reach out to [email protected].