Consumer opinions of BBWI have typically been relatively positive in our survey. The customer base has been with the brand for a while and it has strong unaided and aided awareness across multiple categories. In the past year, NPS has pulled back a touch, but in all, consumers really like the retailer.
One thing we are constantly on the lookout for when we analyze survey results across hundreds of companies that we cover is when one of them seems to buck a trend we are seeing elsewhere. It is no secret that online shopping engagement has increased in many sectors. It is usually either the preference of consumers or it has at least been gaining share as the preferred method of shopping.
What sticks out to us about BBWI is the degree to which customers prefer to shop it in-stores, as opposed to online. Not only is the degree of in-store preference stronger than most other retailers we run surveys on, that preference actually increased over the past 12 months.
BBWI is a name that we’ve noticed increasing interest in lately from the buyside. If you’d be interested to learn more about the name via our survey, request a trial below.