1. While there are some consumers who have a negative opinion of Yeezy sneakers (with sentiments related to Kanye West and his comments in recent years being flagged as reasons for negative sentiments), the broader consumer audience has a net positive view of the brand/sneakers.

2. Consumers are open to buying Yeezy sneakers, especially at lower price points than
retail. Consumers who currently own and wear sneakers reported that they would be
very likely to buy Yeezy’s if released at a lower price point (or at full retail).

3. Over the history of our survey, consumers have shifted their buying preferences for
footwear toward online and direct, but those trends have been more stable of late. We
continue to note that the most frequent footwear buyers are more likely than infrequent buyers to prefer online and direct from the brand.

4. Among the broader audience, self-reported footwear purchase recency and frequency have softened over the past year or so.

5. When it comes to athletic performance relative to competition, both Nike and Lululemon have boosted customer sentiment that they are superior over-time.