Over the past year, we’ve been asked by clients to track how consumers view the integration of Reels on Instagram. This has become an especially notable topic over the past few months with talks of a full-scale TikTok ban in the U.S. In our latest Social Media Survey to domestic consumers, we dug deep on this topic and gained some valuable insights into the minds of social media users. Sharing a few notable insights from the survey below.
TikTok Ban:
On net, consumers in the U.S. are supportive of a TikTok ban. Daily TikTok users are the only cohort to strongly oppose a ban.

TikTok vs. Reels:
The share of TikTok and Instagram users who would delete TikTok if forced to choose between the two has grown over time. Instagram reels familiarity, engagement, and sentiment KPIs have improved sequentially.

Usage Trends & Demographics:
In the event of a ban, TikTok users continue to indicate that they would increase their usage of Instagram and YouTube. Though TikTok users don’t call Snapchat a beneficiary nearly as often as other social media platforms, it is worth noting that Snapchat users are the most likely userbase to also be on TikTok.

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