A major theme through 2023 has been the account sharing crackdown that Netflix has implemented. We’ve been running surveys asking consumers what they would do in the event of an account sharing crackdown since it was a mere rumor amongst the investment community, and have continued to run them throughout its’ widespread implementation. We’ve found that the share of respondents whose account they access that does not live with them has declined sequentially through the year. Among those who pay for Netflix themselves, a declining percentage said they let someone living outside their household access their Netflix account. Of those who access someone else’s Netflix who they do not live with, the share who said they had trouble accessing the account in the past month increased from 11.6% in July to 23.2% in our October wave. Around a quarter of paying Netflix subscribers report having had to enter a code to re-authenticate Netflix in the past 6 months (16.1% of those who access someone else’s account who they don’t live with report having to re-authenticate). The share of Netflix subscribers on Standard with Ads ticked up slightly q/q, but remains the least popular option based on survey response. Of respondents on Standard with Ads, 18.9% said they were sharing an account with someone they do not live with before they signed up. 39.6% said they were not previously accessing Netflix in any way and 34.8% said they were on a higher price Netflix plan.