
Survey Says…

iOS 18 Compatability
Apple AI Chatbot Interest
Respondents who own older iPhones are generally less interested in using a potential Apple AI Chatbot.

iOS 18 Compatability
Siri Usage Frequency
Respondents who own older iPhones use Siri less often than respondents who own newer iPhones.

iOS 18 Compatability
Siri Sentiment
Respondents who own older iPhones don’t find Siri to be as useful as respondents who own newer iPhones.

iOS 18 Compatability
AI Enhanced Siri
Both owners of older and newer iPhones would use Siri more often if it was enhanced by AI.

iOS 18 Compatability
AI Interest In General
Respondents who own newer iPhones have stronger interest in using AI chatbots and apps on both their smartphone and laptop.

iOS 18 Compatability
AI Usage Frequency
Respondents who own newer iPhones use AI chatbots more currently compared to respondents who own older iPhone models.

iOS 18 Compatability
Refresh Compelled by AI?
Respondents who own older iPhone models are less likely to say they would go out and buy a new smartphone or laptop if those devices were able to work better with AI related apps.
Despite being less enthusiastic, a third of those who own models that will be incompatabile with iOS 18 say they possibly or definitely would do it (with a large share saying it depends on what it could do for them).

iOS 18 Compatability
Age Cross-Tabs
Respondents who own older iPhone models over-index to being older in age.

iOS 18 Compatability
Income Cross-Tabs
Respodnents who own older iPhone models over-index to being lower in income bands.