Data Driven By People

Answers to your most critical questions, directly from the source.
You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know
A business will only go as far as their customers will take them. Countless critical decisions are made based on assumptions about end market users. You know your business and investments well, but how can you get the full picture of end market forces without asking them?
Our Story
“Bespoke” is a term for tailored clothing made at a customer’s behest. When we launched Bespoke Intel in 2012, we wanted to emphasize the unique relationships that we build with our clients and there wasn’t a better way to convey this message than to include “Bespoke” in our company name.

Whether you work with us on a custom survey project or subscribe to our syndicated longitudinal tracker platform, you will get a “Bespoke” experience that tends to your specific needs.

Why Bespoke Market Intelligence?


Surveys are what we do

Our primary focus is combining our survey design and analysis expertise with client goals to produce profitable insights. Save time and money, and have it done the right way, by working with us to handle your survey data needs from start to finish.


Hedge funds/asset managers

Monitoring key issues for the stocks we cover on a regular basis lets you uncover insights about customer behavior up to 12 months before it flows through earnings.  We generate ideas by identifying dislocations in market sentiment or expectations and reality. Most asset managers conduct ad hoc surveys instead of tracking them longitudinally due to time and cost constraints. Our platform functions as if you have an entire team running primary research at a fraction of the cost and could be used both for fundamental idea generation and to add sentiment markers to alternative data efforts.

Private equity

We work with private equity firms to conduct diligence on investments they are considering and to gather critical feedback for existing portfolio companies. We can start from scratch and design a survey to fit specific client needs or could apply one of our proprietary survey designs to help private equity firms inexpensively familiarize themselves with a prospective investment before heading down the path toward making a bid.

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We design surveys for companies to conduct on their own customer lists or through independent market research panels. Clients use these projects to get to know their customer better, to understand where they are spending time, to determine what types of messaging resonates with them, to learn what competitors they use, and to study how they feel about potential products and initiatives, etc. These projects can be very useful for keeping an ongoing conversation going with your customers and to glean insights into how you could acquire new customers.

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