Noteworthy Wayfair Trends | Primary Research

If you are a client, login to view the full reports. Key Points: Cross-Shopping Is Increasing, and Customers Think Wayfair Is More Expensive From our identical item pricing analysis work – we have found that Amazon is cheaper than Wayfair on identical items most...

PTON and PLNT – Consumer Feedback

Each quarter, we run a survey to track trends related to PTON and PLNT. Below are a selection of charts from our report this quarter on thesis related issues for both PTON and PLNT. If you are a client, login to view the full report.

(SE) Free Fire, On Fire

Data Source: 1,000+ US Video GamersKey Takeaways:1. Free Fire gamers are highly likely to expect to still be playing the game one year from now. Of the games tested in our survey, Free Fire gamers are among the most likely to think they’ll be playing the game...

(CVNA) Mindshare Dominant On a Rising Tide

Data Source: Survey of 1,250 US Consumers Balanced to CensusKey Takeaways:1. Consumer willingness to buy a used car online has increased sequentially.2. Younger cohorts are driving adoption, a likely trend that will continue.3. Carvana is mindshare dominant when it...

OpenDoor | Consumers Are “Getting” iBuying

With OpenDoor making its debut on public markets today, we wanted to highlight some of the feedback we have from home-owners on iBuying. Below are a couple charts from our August online real estate survey report showing that consumers are increasingly...

MTN | Ski Season Intentions

Bespoke Intel | December 17th, 2020 Covid Uncertainty Weighing On Intentions 2020 will (mercifully) come to an end in just a couple weeks with increasing clarity around vaccines offering more visibility in 2021 than we had just a month or two ago. Vaccine related...