Lululemon Consumer View

DataLinks   Survey Says… Athleisure Survey Athletic Clothing  In recent years, the share of consumers who use athletic wear has gone up. Furthermore, the share of consumers who use athletic clothing for casual wear has increased.     Athleisure...

WMT and Higher Income Consumers

DataLinks   Read Full Article Survey Says… Wal-Mart >< Income Gen Pop – Traffic Trends By Income  Visits across low cost retailers improved post-pandemic, moreso for WMT than for any others and especially among higher income respondents.  ...

AAPL and SIRI, AI Enhanced

DataLinks   Read Full NYT Article Survey Says… Apple and AI Interest in Using an Apple Chatbot  50.9% of iOS users are at least somewhat interested in using an Apple AI chatbot. Apple and AI Siri Usage Frequency, Now  ~81% of iOS users said that they use...

(NFLX) DataLinks, Live Sports

DataLinks Topic: Netflix and Live Sports Netflix Earnings Report Transcript, April 2024 To sustain growth long term, we must continue to: Improve the variety and quality of our entertainment – with more, great TV shows and movies, a stronger slate of games and...

Data Dashboards: SBUX

Trend Analysis: Weakness From Occasional Customers “Headwinds discussed last quarter have continued in a number of key markets, we continue to feel the impact of a more cautious consumer, particularly with our more occasional customer, and a deteriorating economic...


Over the course of 2023, we’ve seen interest in Temu turn from a whisper to a roar. Since the beginning of the year, we’ve ran numerous surveys covering the Chinese ecommerce platform and have seen adoption rise dramatically. Although engagement has...