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Reports From Last Week: 8.6.23

Download Reports: Bespoke-Covid-and-Flu-Shots-July-2023-Update-2 Bespoke-Student-Loans-Survey-2 Bespoke-Personal-Banking-Survey-July-2023-2 Bespoke-Search-and-AI-July-2023-2 Bespoke-AAPL-China-Vol-33-2 Bespoke-Monthly-Macro-Survey-July-2023-2 Key Takeaways From Last...

Monthly Tracker Survey | July 2023

Economic Sentiment The net percentage of respondents reporting positive economic sentiment is the best single indicator in our data for how our respondents feel about the economy. As shown, the metric absolutely collapsed in 2021 and 2022 as inflation soared and...

(AAPL) Consumer Electronics China, Vol 33

Key Takeaways: 1.iPhone share took a small step back q/q, but on a longer-term trend it has increased steadily since late 2020. As of now, Apple leads Android in our trackers.2.Smartphone refresh cycles are stretching out sequentially.3.The fact that it is expensive...

Consumer Banking Survey

Key Takeaways: 1.The largest amount of money that consumers have sitting in checking/savings account within ONE individual bank has nudged lower sequentially since we started this survey in March of 2023. 2.The share of consumers who said they have changed banking...

Student Loans Survey

Key Takeaways: 1.A relatively large portion of those with student loan debt say they haven’t made payments since the date of the student loan debt pause. 2.34% of respondents who paused their federal loan payments were spending more on discretionary items because of...

Reports From Last Week: 7.28.23

Reports From Last Week: Download Below Bespoke-Audio-Vol-28-SPOT-SIRI-AAPL-etc-4 Bespoke-Social-Media-Advertising-Vol-22-3 Bespoke-Online-Retailers-Vol-42-AMZN-ETSY-W-EBAY-etc-2 Bespoke-Food-Delivery-Apps-Vol-28-DASH-UBER-etc-2 Bespoke-TEMU-Deep-Dive-Vol-3-2...

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