Research Newsfeed

(META, SNAP, PINS) If TikTok Were Banned

In recent months, we've periodically seen media and sell-side coverage of a possible TikTok ban in the US with musings around which competitors/peers would benefit the most if a ban were to happen.  Our Data on This:Bespoke - If TikTok were bannedOther Social Media...

(META) Instagram is NOT Over

There was an article published yesterday in the Atlantic with negative calls on Instagram citing a teen survey (the Atlantic article can be found here).We wanted to re-flag our social media teens survey from June of this year, with historical comparisons to a...

(AMZN, W) Identical Item Pricing Analysis

Passing along an updated cut of our identical item pricing analysis. As a reminder on methodology - we manually search for and locate 100+ identical items found on both Amazon and Wayfair. We visually match the items since they often have different product names on...

(CROX) Crocs and HeyDude Vol 6

Passing along the 6th volume of our deep dive tracker focused on CROX and HeyDude. Please let us know if you have any questions about the report.  Open Report:Bespoke - CROX and HeyDude Vol 6 Key Takeaways and Charts: Crocs is one of those brands in which feedback...

Let us know if you need help with anything!