Research Newsfeed

(SPOT) Audio Books – Data Flag

In anticipation of Spotify eventually offering audiobooks, we asked a number of questions of consumers in our latest audio survey (July) to scope interest / feedback.  With news hitting today that Spotify will be offering audiobooks starting Tuesday, we...

(CVNA) Survey Results, 10,000N, Wave 4

Passing along results from the fourth wave of our CVNA deep dive 10,000N survey. Please note that there is a section at the end of the report in which we cross-tab the data by self-reported credit scores, which generated some interesting learnings. Open Report:Bespoke...

(NYT) Monthly Update | Sequential Data Shifts

Passing along an update from our monthly data tracking of news platforms, with a specific focus on NYT. Please let us know if you have any questions about the deck. We plan to ask some questions in upcoming surveys about The Athletic (awareness and interest in it) and...

(UBER, LYFT) Ride Sharing Vol 13

Passing along the 13th volume of our work on ride sharing platforms. Please let us know if you have any questions about the deck. Open Report:Bespoke - Ride Sharing Vol 13 Report Re-Flags: Bespoke - Food Delivery USBespoke - Food Delivery UK Key Takeaways and...

Let us know if you need help with anything!