Research Newsfeed

(PTON) Upcoming Tread Purchase Intentions

With the launch of the upcoming Peloton tread only a couple months away, we wanted to grab some data from consumers around purchase intentions with certainty follow-up measurements (with a specific interest in hearing from existing Peloton bike owners). Please let us...

(NFLX) Account Sharing Crackdown Data

With news that NFLX is testing a feature that asks viewers to verify they share a household with the account holder (article here), we wanted to flag data we have collected that will give you a sense for what % of account sharers live in a different household and what...

(CHWY, AMZN) Identical Item Pricing Analysis

Similar to the analysis we sent over this week on Wayfair, we found 125 identical items on Chewy and Amazon and compared pricing. Open Report: Bespoke: CHWY and AMZN Pricing Analysis *We include side-by-side images of all 125 items. Since the file is large, it may...

(W, AMZN) Identical Item Pricing Analysis

Passing along the fourth iteration of our pricing analysis work on identical items found on both Wayfair and Amazon. We try to keep the items consistent each wave, but whenever they are discontinued and no longer findable on a platform we swap it out for a new...

Let us know if you need help with anything!