by Bespoke Intel | Mar 31, 2020
Passing along some feedback on consumer sentiment toward cruises / when they would feel comfortable going on one again and on travel search preferences. Open Report:Bespoke – Cruises and OTAs March UpdateKey Takeaways: CruisesRespondents show obvious...
by Bespoke Intel | Mar 30, 2020
Passing along some cross-tab analysis that we ran this morning on consumer engagement with Amazon Prime Membership, Amazon Fresh, and Amazon Online Purchases. We cross-tabbed the data to show which cohorts are lagging in their usage of Amazon and then show the changes...
by Bespoke Intel | Mar 26, 2020
We ran some more cross-tab analysis this morning on recent adders of Netflix (in the past three months) and recent cancellers of Netflix (in the past month). Those who say their income is lower and those who say they think we will go into a recession are more likely...
by Bespoke Intel | Mar 26, 2020
Passing along an update to our monthly trackers on grocery delivery, meal kits, and grocers traffic. Please let us know if you have any questions about the report. It is rare to see this big of a surge in consumer adoption of an activity m/m. We will be monitoring...
by Bespoke Intel | Mar 26, 2020
Passing along an update on our live events and tickets research. Please let us know if you have any questions. Open Report:Bespoke – Live Events and Tickets ReportKey Takeaways and Key Charts:
by Bespoke Intel | Mar 25, 2020
Passing along a quick update on social media engagement and sentiment from our monthly survey. Social media usage is one of the activities that consumers feel they are increasing because of Covid-19, so we wanted to show the m/m changes in engagement/behavior. Open...