NFLX Survey | Positive Trends

Full Report Access Headline Takeaways: Generally +ve streaming sector trends. Streaming continues to gain as the preferred method for consuming video content. The number of streaming video services that consumers think is appropriate to sign up for at a given time has...

PTON – For Some or For All?

The more consumers at large consider Peloton to be a fitness and wellness brand for all, as opposed to a luxury hardware brand for some, the larger the TAM opportunity will be for the Peloton app. No better way to gauge this than to ask consumers directly and track...

NYT | ARPU Leading Indicator

Each month, we isolate readers of various publications and ask them how much they would be willing to pay per month to have a subscription to that site/paper. The chart below shows that the amount readers self-reported being willing to pay peaked during the height of...