AAPL iOS 18 Cross-Tabs

DataLinks   Survey Says… iOS 18 Compatability Apple AI Chatbot Interest  Respondents who own older iPhones are generally less interested in using a potential Apple AI Chatbot.     iOS 18 Compatability Siri Usage Frequency  Respondents who own...

Adidas and Yeezys

DataLinks Download Full Footwear Survey Report Survey Says… Footwear Consumer Opinions  Consumer opinions of Yeezy’s skew mostly neutral overall. Among respondents who have owned Yeezy’s, sentiment is net positive. Footwear Yeezy Trends  The share...

Lululemon Consumer View

DataLinks   Survey Says… Athleisure Survey Athletic Clothing  In recent years, the share of consumers who use athletic wear has gone up. Furthermore, the share of consumers who use athletic clothing for casual wear has increased.     Athleisure...

AI Enabled Hardware Refresh Cycle

DataLinks Download Full Consumer Electronics Survey Report Survey Says… Consumer Electronics AI Interest  Consumers show interest in using AI chatbots on smartphones and PCs, but there is still room for growth. Younger respondents show a higher degree of...

Social Media and Parental Permission

DataLinks   Survey Says… All Consumers Social Media Usage By Age  62.9% of all respondents feel people should start using social media apps at 16 or older.     Parents Consent at 15 or 16  Most parents would give their consent for a 15 or 16...


DataLinks   Read Full Article Survey Says… Amazon Prime and Grubhub  Prime members are more frequent users of food delivery apps in general compared to non Prime members.      During Covid, Prime members significantly increased their food...